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Trees management in historic gardens

historic gardens

Contact us for a dedicated trees management in Historic Gardens

Landscape analysis, historical research and trees phytosanitary diagnosis are our core business.

We are interested in the historical gardens in all their complexity. Historic trees are the soul and the memory of an old garden or park.

Do you undertake a restoration or restitution of a historic park or garden?

For effective management of trees and shrubs, it is necessary to undertake a historic analysis of trees functionalities. It is also important to understand the landscape composition. Historical research should involve a look into archives that have data on it. It helps to give a better understanding of the evolution of trees.

Trees and landscape composition’s change in a historical garden is unavoidable: the original viewpoints have changed, trees have died, the landscape as a whole has shifted…

Trees management in historic garden requires tree and landscape specialists

Trees need specialized care and overall management. That is exactly what we offer as graduates in trees biology from IUT of Clermont Ferrand. We have also studied landscaping at The Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture. Trained in historical gardens, we offer high quality historic tree management.

We take an analytical approach of landscape and phytosanitary diagnostic according to the following plan:

The effects of climatic deregulation

Climatic regulation is having an effect of trees. The climate change is causing new problems: storms’ violence, new pathogens…etc These issues lead to new considerations on:



In response to these many challenges, we provide guidance as to the practices of preserving and maintaining historic gardens. We guide you in the best practices, the use of new adapted species and tree care.

To accompany the evolution and trees management in historic gardens, we create a complete report including:

-Historical research
-Landscape Analysis
-Trees inventory
-Phytosanitary diagnosis
-Mapping and database

Our recommendations are based on the latest scientific advances in tree management.

Recommendations that may include the need to carry out in-depth diagnosis by a tree expert, a specific study by highly specialized technicians such as pedology, hydraulic system or laboratory tests.

We give our report and recommendations taking into account the current human and financial resources of the historical park or garden, its economic and financial management.









