A Declaration of Tree rights will be part of French history in April 2019!
In response to the so many abuses made on trees, a declaration of Tree rights will be proclaimed in April 2019 at the French National Assembly. It is organised by the active members of the association A.R.B.R.E.S.
This association was founded by Mr Georges Feterman, for the preservation of remarkable trees.
The event is supported by other French eminent tree specialists and biologists, whose former Mr. Robert Bourdu and then Mr. Francis Hallé.
Indeed, the biologists’ scientific discoveries in the recent decades have made a major contribution to the understanding of the tree.
Researches highlighted the extraordinary sophistication of trees, their development, their architecture and their relationship with their environment!
The research progresses on many topics: phenotypic plasticity, winter strategy, root system, hydraulic functioning, reserves, carbon flux, hormones, symbiotic organisms, tree mechanics, plant diseases… etc.
Scientists still disagree on some topics. And, the debates are often intense around the existence of ‘plant neurons’, communication and mutual aid between plants or their interactions with the animal world.
This proposal could follow up on new legislation recognising the right to the protection for the tree as a living being in full.
Many works detailing scientific knowledge in simple terms, aim to awaken our consciousness! Numerous noteworthy books or movies are accessible to all. Of course, the list is far from being exhaustive on the subject (and any other recommendation is welcome!):
- the future movie ‘les arbres remarquables‘, whose release is scheduled for April 2019. It is co-produced by the association A.R.B.R.E.S and the MUSEO editions.
- the book ‘la vie secrète des arbres’ from Peter Wohlleben, published in 2017.
- The book ‘les arbres entre visible et invisible’ de Ernst Zurcher, published in 2016.
- The book ‘le génie de l’arbre’ from Bruno Sirven, published in 2016.
- The book ‘dans la peau d’une plante’, from Catherine Lenne, published in 2014.
- The book ‘l’intelligence émotionnelle des plantes’, from Cleve Backster, published in 2014.
- The movie ‘il était une foret‘ from Luc Jacquet, staging the biologist Francis Hallé, produced in 2013.
- The book ‘l’intelligence des plantes’, from Stefano Mancuso, published in 1982.
- The book ‘face aux arbres’ from Christophe Drénou, published in 2009.
- the numerous books from Francis Hallé, of which ‘aux origines des plantes‘, published in 2008.