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Application for biodiversity subsidies (AAP)

biodiversity study

Contact us for an assistance in your application for biodiversity subsidies (AAP)

We assist applications in favor of biodiversity: architects, private schools, associations, building contractors,etc.


Regions are increasingly launching calls for projects for the benefit of biodiversity.

These initiatives aim to fight against biodiversity erosion or to encourage its reconquest. Different subsidies may be obtained, depending on whether the project takes place within the perimeter of a green and blue regional corridor or not.

Grants may include landscaping work, maintenance or pre-project studies.

Biodiversity is also about the urban canopy!

Whether it is:

> to provide trees that are more adapted to climate change.

> to diversify a plant palette that is very depleted in terms of diversity of species (and thus promote its resilience to diseases or pathogens).

Why would you apply for a biodiversity grant?

Planting new trees can :

– help to preserve a tree or shrub continuity: hedge, grove, forest edge, riverside vegetation.

– help to restore a wooded area of ecological interest in a urban environment

– allow to renew tree plantations

– allow to adapt more resilient native species


We can assist you to elaborate a grant application!





Tree inventory, mass plan, analysis, report and photographic record etc.

= > tree inventory and phytosanitary diagnosis.

= > mapping and tree database creation.

= > detailed report and statistics.

= > landscape analysis and detailed report on biodiversity in place.


Planting plan, quotation of plantations cost, advices on recreating tree, shrub or herbaceous continuities in favour of biodiversity and adaptation to climate change.

= > new plantation proposal.

=> detailed estimate of the cost of planting.

= > technical advices for planting.